A podcast for men in their middle ages 35-55 years, that desire to hear stories that motivate, educate as well as an initiate in them potential to become the best version of themselves. Men sharing openly from their heart in an authentic and vulnerable as they navigate the journey of life. 'Ume' is a provocative question in Swahili meaning Have you? The full phrase asking 'Have you shared?' We are getting to help men out of their caves to share and speak openly about their experiences in different areas of their lives.For inquiries or stories you feel need to be shared in this podcast please email us on : umesharepodcast@gmail.comhttps://www.buzzsprout.com/2105155/support
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EP 31: Divorce and Separation, the unseen shadows that you may need to know about. Feat Tony Hutia and Steve Kariuki PT 1
In this series, we will explore the topic of Divorce and Separation. A topic that not many love speaking about. Some say is like a grieving season, a redefining season in one's life.
The unseen shadow lurks in many marriages and leaves many couples dejected and disillusioned as they endure the separation or divorce season.
We hear from Tony Hutia and Steve Kariuki on how they coped with this season in their life in an attempt to inform and educate married couples about their experiences around this sensitive yet critical topic in marriages today.
Listen on!
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A/C: 0722894558