A podcast for men in their middle ages 35-55 years, that desire to hear stories that motivate, educate as well as an initiate in them potential to become the best version of themselves. Men sharing openly from their heart in an authentic and vulnerable as they navigate the journey of life. 'Ume' is a provocative question in Swahili meaning Have you? The full phrase asking 'Have you shared?' We are getting to help men out of their caves to share and speak openly about their experiences in different areas of their lives.For inquiries or stories you feel need to be shared in this podcast please email us on : umesharepodcast@gmail.comhttps://www.buzzsprout.com/2105155/support
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40 episodes
EP 39: Discover the 4As of dealing with transitions in life: Feat Amani Maranga and Kevin Kanyottu
We conclude the series of midlife and transitions in this episode that is an uncut version ( keeping it as raw as it is) .Amani Maranga gives his life story as well as touches on portions of wisdom on how to deal with transitions. ...
Season 3
Episode 39

Ep 38: How we are dealing with various transitions in our mid-life-Feat. Amani Maranga
Transitions in life are inevitable. They are the defining moments that fuel our identity, unforeseen incidences, and the opportunities that drive us to change our paths in life. Amani Maranga and Kevin Kanyottu look into the situat...
Season 3
Episode 38

EP 37: How are we dealing with the Mid-life season ? Feat Zeph Ananda and Kevin Kanyottu
This episode concludes the series on mid-life crisis. We cover the physical, emotional as well and social changes that we go through in the mid-life season. The awareness of what is happening in our lives gives us a better idea of u...
Season 3
Episode 37

EP 36: Why you need to be in an identity group during your mid-life season . Feat Zeph Ananda
We continue with the conversation on Mid-life and the second episode in this series looks at acceptance of mid-life as well as awareness. We also get to break down some of the features that would give you a hint that you are facing a mid-li...
Season 3
Episode 36

EP 35: Unlocking Mid-Life Crisis : What , Who and Why do we go through it. Feat Zephaniah Ananda
Many men, including myself in their 40s are faced with the uphill task of defining who they are, what they do, and why they do what they do. This is a season in a person’s life where terms such as half-time, mid-life crisis, checkpoint, crossro...
Season 3
Episode 35

EP 34: Divorce and Separation Series, Red Flags that Men Should Know About Finale: Feat. Tony Hutia and Steve Kariuki
In our 4th and final episode on the series on divorce and separation we look at the red flags that men should be aware of way beforehand that could lead to resentment in your marriages. Tony Hutia and Steve Kariuki discuss this i...
Season 3
Episode 34

EP 33: Divorce and Separation series: What does it mean when God says He hates divorce? Feat Tony Hutia and Steve Kariuki
Malachi 2:16- “For I hate divorce!” says the LORD, the God of Israel. “To divorce your wife is to overwhelm her with cruelty,” says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. “So guard your heart; do not be unfaithful to your wife.The men discuss t...
Season 3
Episode 33

EP 32: Divorce and separation and unseen shadows that lurk therein . Feat. Tony Hutia & Steve Kariuki PT 2
We continue with the series of Divorce and Separation. Many marriages struggle to the brink of having thoughts on separation and divorce. We hear the stories from Tony Hutia and Steve Kariuki as they decipher further how to deal wi...
Season 3
Episode 32

EP 31: Divorce and Separation, the unseen shadows that you may need to know about. Feat Tony Hutia and Steve Kariuki PT 1
In this series, we will explore the topic of Divorce and Separation. A topic that not many love speaking about. Some say is like a grieving season, a redefining season in one's life. The unseen shadow lurks in many marriages and le...
Season 3
Episode 31

EP 30: The scenarios of empty-nesters, house-help/domestic helps: How Extra marital affairs play out
This episode concludes the final episode of the series: The scenarios that lead to extra marital affairs. In this episode, we speak about the couples that have children who have left their homes and become vulnerable to one another. Wit...
Season 2
Episode 30

EP 29: The scenario of team building and mixed family vacations- how extramarital affairs unfold
In this episode, we continue with Dr Stanley Mukolwe , Musyoki Muindi, Tony Kuria and Kevin Kanyottu looking at two key scenarios, mixed family vacations and teambuilding sessions as fora that could facilitate extramarital affairs.Lis...
Season 2
Episode 29

EP 28: The scenarios of pregnancy and family tree: how extra marital affairs play out
In this series, we continue to look at the scenarios that would present themselves for an extramarital affair to take place. In this episode we look at pregnancy and family tree. a huge number of affairs happen when the wife is in her pre...
Season 2
Episode 28

EP 27: The unknown and unmet love languages scenario 2-how extramarital affairs play out
Once again in this episode, we look at the possibility of extramarital affairs. In this episode, we pick up on the love languages ( The 5 languages according to Gary Chapman) and how they can be unmet, and if unknown, they can be the breeding g...
Season 2
Episode 27

EP 26: The office scenario-how extra marital affairs play out
We look at the scenarios that play out when the ingredients of personal conversations, time, money anonymity and touch.The first scenario is how office friendships and acquaintances turn into emotional relationships and then into full b...
Season 2
Episode 26

EP 25: Discover the 5 ingredients that are the breeding-ground for extra marital affairs : Feat. Dr Stanley Mukolwe, Musyoki Muindi & Tony Kuria
Intimate personal conversations, Time, Money, Anonymity, and Touch are the five ingredients for affairs to work. We define what affairs are in this episode. We also hear from the men sharing from their experiences as well as thoughts about thes...
Season 2
Episode 25

Ep 24: The five (5) growth stages of relationships -skipping them can be disadvantageous Feat Dr Stanley Mukolwe
In this episode we discuss the growth stages most relationships go through as they grow into the level of marriage. Find out how even couples in seasoned marriages can end up being dysfunctional due to skipping some of the steps /stages t...
Season 2
Episode 24

Ep 23: These are the 3Fs that would set any man for greatness
Foundation, Fatherhood and Faithfulness!We look at the story of Abraham who was considered the man who was the father of many nations. We define what it means to having a strong and firm foundation, embracing the seed of fatherhood in e...
Season 2
Episode 23

Ep 22: The 7A’s of battling addictions that you should know about
We give a roadmap that will help you overcome any addiction or habit that affects you. These 7As have been proven to help anyone who is on the verge of getting themselves roped around addictions. Let us partner to ensu...
Season 2
Episode 22

EP 21: Overcoming the stumbling block of computer gaming and how to create a balance among children and adults
In this episode we speak to a young man aged 15 years on the effects of gaming and as addiction. We get to hear the adverse effects of it as well as how to build allowable boundaries for parents and children alike. Mutugi has an i...
Season 2
Episode 21

EP 20: Overcoming the stumbling block of smartphone/technology abuse Feat. George Kagwe
In this episode we speak to Mr George Kagwe a hardworking Kenyan inter-entre-prenuer ( a term new to us) who deduced some difficult questions on the misuse of smartphones. We explore what life looked like before the digital age for us 35-...
Season 2
Episode 20

EP 19: How you can win the battle over sex/porn addiction:Feat Naftali Oswago Pt 2
In this episode we hear how those caught in the web of pornography addiction can get help can install measures to curb and live a pure life. We also discuss the dangers that pornography can expose one to in their life, marriage as well as healt...
Season 2
Episode 19

Ep 18: Overcoming the Stumbling block of Pornography Pt 1:Feat. Naftali Oswago
Statistics show 70% of 15-17-year-olds have accidentally viewed pornographic materials. One porn site recorded 100 million visits per day and uploaded 12 videos every hour on its site. 3 out of 5 men who have access to the internet have com...
Season 2
Episode 18

Ep 17: Overcoming the stumbling block of Drugs & Alcohol addiction PT 2
In this episode, we hear the second part of Daniel's journey to finding healing from alcohol and substance addiction. He discusses the 6 pillars of wellness that he has learned to embrace and use to overcome this stumbling block that brings dow...
Season 2
Episode 17

Ep 16: Overcoming the stumbling block of Drugs & Alcohol addiction PT 1
We begin looking at the stumbling blocks we unlocked from Episode 15. This has got to be one of the longest episodes yet. When a man has a story to share; you sit and listen -you let him speak . Mr. Tony Kuria and I were privileged...
Season 2
Episode 16

EP 15: The stumbling blocks that we face as men and how to overcome them
In a world where men inevitably fall due to stumbling blocks of life. There are solid foundations that have been taught across many cultures as men turn from boys to adults. However, there are issues that lead to destruction and disillusi...
Season 2
Episode 15