A podcast for men in their middle ages 35-55 years, that desire to hear stories that motivate, educate as well as an initiate in them potential to become the best version of themselves. Men sharing openly from their heart in an authentic and vulnerable as they navigate the journey of life. 'Ume' is a provocative question in Swahili meaning Have you? The full phrase asking 'Have you shared?' We are getting to help men out of their caves to share and speak openly about their experiences in different areas of their lives.For inquiries or stories you feel need to be shared in this podcast please email us on : umesharepodcast@gmail.comhttps://www.buzzsprout.com/2105155/support
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EP 37: How are we dealing with the Mid-life season ? Feat Zeph Ananda and Kevin Kanyottu
This episode concludes the series on mid-life crisis. We cover the physical, emotional as well and social changes that we go through in the mid-life season. The awareness of what is happening in our lives gives us a better idea of understanding what issues we could be facing that lead to the so-called 'crisis' in the ages of 35-55 years.
We hear from Zeph Ananda on how he is dealing with mid-life as well as Kevin Kanyottu who helps recap this series by disclosing the events and cycles that we get ourselves into in the mid-life season.
Join us as we unlock the mid-life phase of our lives.
Karibu sana!
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A/C: 0722894558